“She was never quite ready. But she was brave.
And the universe listens to brave.” - Rebecca Ray. October 1st, the first day of the most astrologically supercharged month of the year. Fresh in the sky is Venus in Libra Opposite Jupiter in Aries, a transit good for loving, partying, and indulging - as long as you can afford the time & money to do so. A lack of self-discipline and motivation to work means the timing of this transit is critical in how you handle it. There’s also a possibility of important relationships ending very suddenly as this aspect cuts us off from toxic people - whether we realize they’re toxic or not. October puts us on our toes immediately. On
October 2nd, Mercury leaves it’s dreaded retrograde position and stations Direct in Virgo. The direct turn of Mercury will not be completely easy however. In general, Mercury’s 'stations' — when it goes either retrograde or direct — are moments of climax when it comes to technology and communication behaving strangely. Mercury will be forming an opposition with Neptune as it goes direct. That is a connection that only happens once a year, and in 2022, it coincides with the end of Mercury retrograde. This planetary aspect can have us feeling paranoid & bring out the dramatics. However it’s not all bad - this energy can also give us moments of incredible creativity. This is the second time Mercury has entered Virgo in the last two months, and now having re-learned the lessons of Mercury Rx in Virgo, it’s ready to assemble, more orderly than before. Day by day, conversations run smoother. That person you’ve been waiting to hear from finally gets in touch. Technology acts reliably(-ish) again. Though it may take a week or two for the fog to totally clear. Mercury in Virgo is here to remind us that productivity, metrics, and deliverables are not the end goal. The more we can untangle ourselves from idealizing perfection, the more the parts of ourselves that tend to take a back seat can feel comfortable making themselves known. Further into the month we’ll see Pluto station Direct in Capricorn, the Aries Full Moon, Saturn stationing Direct in Aquarius, followed by the Solar Eclipse / New Moon in Scorpio, and then the blessings of Jupiter Rx re-entering the comfort of Pisces— and finally, Mars in Gemini stationing retrograde, just to be different because it can be. October says, “Level Up or Let It Go”.